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Pupil Accommodation Review

The Ward 6 South Pupil Accommodation Review occurred in 2017 with the goal of maximizing the utilization of schools, strengthening programs offered at the local schools, and addressing facility conditions.

In June 2017, the Board of Trustees made decisions about the Pupil Accommodation Review including significant capital investment in this area: Dennis Avenue Public School will be re-built and George Syme Community School will receive an addition. The closures of Cordella Junior Public School effective June 30, 2023 and Rockcliffe Middle School effective June 30, 2022 are part of the plan. The plan also includes the conversion of all the schools in the review to Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8 schools, retaining Grade 6 effective 1 September 2020, Grade 7 effective 1 September 2021, and Grade 8 effective 1 September 2022.

For more information about this review and to see the approved plan; including grade range and boundary changes, please read the Final Staff Report, or contact your school principal. For updated implementation timelines please click your school letter below:

Dennis Ave CS - Implementation Update Letter

Rockcliffe MS - Implementation Update Letter

Cordella JPS - Implementation Update Letter

George Syme CS - Implementation Update Letter

Harwood PS - Implementation Update Letter

Lambton Park CS - Implementation Update Letter

Roselands JPS - Implementation Update Letter

Review is currently not in Start stageReview is currently not in Community Engagement stageReview is currently not in Delegation stageReview is currently not in Staff Recommendations stageReview is currently in Board Decision stage
Trustee, Ward 6: Liban HassanAdministrative Liaison: Laura Lloyd (416-394-2044)
TDSB Superintendent: Vicky Branco

Cordella Junior Public SchoolJackie Wark(416) 394-2258
Dennis Avenue Community SchoolKari Hudson(416) 394-2311
George Syme Community SchoolAliomid Jahangir(416) 394-2340
Harwood Public SchoolAngela Pumputis(416) 394-2350
Lambton Park Community SchoolSteven Bannerman(416) 394-3070
Rockcliffe Middle SchoolValentina Di Domenico(416) 394-3100
Roselands Junior Public SchoolJill Norman(416) 394-3110

Pupil Accommodation Review Committee

Supporting Staff

Meeting(s) - Community Engagement