Toronto District School Board
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New & Revised Documents

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P029 Employment Equity and Inclusive Employment (162.2 KB) New!
To affirm the Board’s commitment to establishing transparent and consistent employment practices while upholding human rights and based on the principles of equity, anti-racism, anti-oppression and fairness. To support a commitment to fair hiring, promotion and retention practices based on qualifications and experience while fostering a workforce that reflects, understands and responds to the diversity of the students that TDSB serves.
PR744 Mini Drone Use (1.2 MB) New!
To outline the requirements for procurement, safe use and accountability of Mini Drone use on Board Property.
Form.FAC.009B Facility Services Viability Review Request Form (170.3 KB)
Projects that are large, complex, ambiguous, and/or, involve partnerships must undergo a viability review.
PR745 Special Education Identification, Placement and Appeal (179.5 KB) New!
To outline the special education identification and placement process for exceptional students; and to outline the appeal process with regard to special education identification and placement.
P034 Workplace Harassment Prevention for Non-Human-Rights-Code Harassment (118 KB)
To promote a healthy, respectful and supportive work environment. It highlights conduct that may amount to non-Code workplace harassment (i.e. harassment that is not covered by the Board’s Human Rights Policy or the Human Rights Code) and outlines the system’s shared responsibility for fostering a harassment-free workplace.
PR518 Admission Eligibility Requirements (1.2 MB)
To outline requirements and processes for the admission of new students.
P103 Flexible Working Arrangements (147.7 KB)
To establish requirements and expectations for flexible working at the TDSB; to support employee productivity and engagement through an improved work-life balance; to maximize effective use of administrative office space; to enhance the Board’s competitive hiring practices, talent acquisition and retention strategies; and, to maintain service delivery and business continuity in the event of an emergency.
P102 Disconnecting from Work (190.3 KB)
To establish healthy and professional boundaries between work and personal time as an investment in positive mental health, well-being and overall employee productivity; to develop a positive workplace culture; and to support a culture of service excellence
PR743 Employee Interim Measures Pending Investigation (157.7 KB) New!
To outline the criteria and process for implementing interim measures pending an investigation or other complaint resolution process.
Form.FAC.009 Facility Services Work Request Form (58.1 KB)
This form should be completed and submitted to the Facility Team Leader for school, fund-raised or tenant funded projects.