Toronto District School Board
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Policies, Procedures and Forms

Procedure PR707A - Student Attendance, Safe Arrival and Safe Departure (Elementary) 

Objective:  To outline expectations for student attendance, arrival and departure. To establish intervention and supportive strategies and best practices to address patterns of absence impacting learning, unexplained absences, prolonged absenteeism, and lateness. To implement a system-wide standard for safe arrival and departure at TDSB schools and programs.

PDF document (337.5 KB) January 24, 2023

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- Student Attendance, Safe Arrival and Safe Departure

More Reading Documents

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- Student Attendance, Safe Arrival and Safe Departure (Secondary)

More Reading Links

Child and Family Services Act Education Act Ministry Enrolment Register Instructions for Elementary and Secondary Schools Policy/Program Memorandum No. 123, Safe Arrivals

Contact Information

For more information about this document, or to provide feedback, please contact:

Contact Person:
Maria Valente-De Sa (416-397-3187)
Equity, Well-Being and School Improvement