Program Information
The International Languages – Elementary / African Heritage Program is now offering language classes to students (TDSB and non TDSB) Kindergarten to Grade 8. Activities will be focused on building student’s abilities in oral communication, reading and writing.
Please note that a minimum of 25 students is required to open a language class.
Albanian, American Sign Language, Amharic, Arabic, Aramaic, Armenian, Azerbaijan, Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Cantonese, Creole, Dari, Edo, Farsi/Persian, German, Greek, Greek Cypriot, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Karen, Korean, Macedonian, Mandarin Simplified, Mandarin Traditional, Marathi, Mongolian, Nepalese, Odia, Pashtu, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Sanskrit, Serbian, Sinhalese, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil, Telugu, Tigrinya, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu and Vietnamese.
Please note that additional languages may be offered. Please contact 416 338-4100 for more information.
$20 material fee required at the time of registration
Where and When
The International Languages Elementary program is in-person only. Classes are held one day a week for 2.5 hours for 30 weeks, after regular day school or Saturday starting from September to June 2025.
Please note that there are no classes on PA Days, long weekends, December Break and March Break.
View a list of school locations and language classes