ADR Chambers specializes in investigations, integrity commissioner and ombuds services, arbitration, mediation, and other forms of dispute resolution. Since 2011, professional neutrals with experience in mediation, investigations and adjudication have provided services through its Office of the Integrity Commissioner to Ontario municipalities and school boards. A list of its integrity commissioner clients is available at https://adrchambers.com/integrity-commissioner/. ADR Chambers staff handle the intake of complaints and monitor their processing in accordance with the applicable Code of Conduct and complaints protocol. Michael Maynard is the lead for ADR Chambers’ provision of integrity services to the Toronto District School Board.
Michael Maynard is a graduate of Carleton University (B.A. – Law) and Durham College (Legal Administration Program and Certificates in Dispute Resolution). He is an Integrity Commissioner, investigator, mediator and facilitator with ADR Chambers. Michael has over 15 years of experience with alternative dispute resolution in various capacities.
In addition to the Toronto District School Board, Michael is the Integrity Commissioner for the Durham District School Board and the Town of Grimsby and Interim Integrity Commissioner for Niagara Region. He has acted as Integrity Commissioner by delegation and as an investigator for the ADR Chambers Office of the Integrity Commissioner for numerous other Ontario municipalities. He has extensive experience with investigating and reporting upon alleged breaches of Codes of Conduct and providing advice to elected officials on their ethical obligations.
Michael has a background in political and public policy matters and understands government and governance. He was previously Special Assistant to an Ontario MPP. He has co-chaired a healthcare summit, co-facilitated an economic development conference organized by Northern Ontario municipalities, facilitated a public complaint resolution process for the Ontario government, and led several town-hall meetings on locally important matters in his community.
Michael is also an investigator for the ADR Chambers Ombuds Office for banking and municipal matters. He has investigated a wide range of matters including workplace disputes involving discrimination, harassment, and bullying claims. He is accustomed to managing confidential and sensitive matters and applying procedural fairness and natural justice in accordance with administrative best practices. Michael is also a workplace restoration facilitator and works with both public and private organizations to help individuals rebuild and refocus following disruptive conflicts.
Michael has mediated more than 2,000 private and public disputes in areas such as employment relations, personal injury, contract, Statutory Accident Benefits and landlord/tenant.
Michael developed and taught Alternative Dispute Resolution courses at Durham College, has consulted on organizational and ADR systems design, and co-authored the post-secondary textbook Choices in Approaching Conflict: Principles and Practice of Dispute Resolution (Emond Publications), now in its second edition.