Toronto District School Board
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School Improvement Process

TDSB School Improvement Planning Framework

School improvement at TDSB is a continuous process. It is anchored in the belief that all students can achieve when the school culture, instructional practice, and classroom conditions are designed to meet a student’s diverse needs and experiences. The School Improvement Process (SIP) refers to a cyclical change process that promotes shared leadership with staff, students, parents/caregivers, and the community in developing a plan.



  1. Indigenous Education
  2. Achievement integrated with Equity
  3. School Belonging/Well-Being integrated with Equity




Throughout each phase of the School Improvement Process, the framework below will help you engage in a mini-cycle of continuous improvement in each SIP phase.




TDSB School Improvement Planning Framework Timeline



Setting up your SIP team

  • Who should be involved?
  • Students
  • Families
  • Staff
    • How will you create the conditions for the team to work collaboratively?
    • When designing LC/LN Professional Learning/Meeting the foci should correspond with the framework.


PHASE 01: Creating School Goals or Areas of Focus in…

Achievement integrated with equity, Belonging/Well-Being integrated with Equity, and Indigenous Education

  • Needs Assessment (data gathering, analysis, etc.)
  • Collaboration with staff students, and parents/community
  • Moving from system data analysis to local data gathering
  • Problem finding work/identifying issues within data gathered collaboratively including all SIP team members -leading to areas of improvement (could be goals)


PHASE 02: Taking Action (Part A)…

through team-based collaboration, individual educator instructional and assessment practices, and potential use of system capacity builders e.g., coaches

  • Taking Specific Actions - professional learning plan (what do we need to learn?), critical collaborative inquiry
  • Ongoing, planned classroom and team-based work on core areas
  • Gathering of monitoring formative assessment information or data e.g., Pedagogical documentation, student action research, student and parent focus groups/consultations, etc.


PHASE 03: Reflecting and Resetting…

Reflecting- Resetting - Adjusting - Revising- Adopting areas of focus/goals, core activities and actions

  • Team-based meetings, reflection and assessment of work
  • Use of critical friends and expertise e.g., LN SO, coaches, critical friends in the field, each other


PHASE 04: Taking Action (Part B)...

through team-based collaboration, instructional and assessment practices, and potential use of system capacity builders e.g., coaches

  • Taking Specific Actions - professional learning plan, critical collaborative inquiry
  • Ongoing, planned classroom and team-based work on core areas
  • Gathering of monitoring formative assessment information or data e.g., Pedagogical documentation, student action research, student and parent focus groups/consultations, etc.


PHASE 05: Wrapping it up…

Reflecting, assessing, evaluating, and planning for potential foci next year. The work in May/June sets the stage for the beginning of School Improvement Work in September

  • Reflection and data analysis – What have we learned? What do we need to do next as a result of that learning?
  • Team-based collaborative evaluation
  • Student and parent/community consultations
  • New learning, emergent problems and challenges, brainstorming ideas, consideration of data collection capacity (using both system and local data in the work)