Toronto District School Board
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Webinars & Events

Webinars & Events

The TDSB, in collaboration with OISE ESE, hosts many diverse professional learning events to support climate change education and environmental learning.

The EcoSchools team, along with colleagues at OISE’s Environmental and Sustainability Education Initiative, have created a series of webinars to support environmental learning virtually. A wide range of environmentally themed topics are explored.

Subscribe to the EcoSchools newsletter and follow us on twitter for upcoming event information.



Upcoming Events (and Past Recordings)


Exploring the Terrain of Nature-based Learning

Tuesday October 5th, 4-5pm EDT

This webinar encourages educators to explore the terrain of nature-based learning to empower students to contribute to a greener future. Prof. Lisa Nisbet (Trent University) lays the groundwork by sharing research on nature-relatedness and its connections to sustainability behaviours and happiness. Jacob Rodenburg (Camp Kawartha Outdoor Ed Centre) discusses how to bring this to classrooms by offering up hands-on ideas, activities and resources that inspire students to protect, care for and enhance the natural systems that support and nourish communities. Hosted by OISE’s Learning Garden & OISE Wellness, this talk is sponsored by TDFEF.

Registration is required. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Regenerative Hope: Biocultural Diversity and Learning Gardens

Wednesday October 20th, 4-5pm EDT

Loss of biocultural diversity, climate change urgencies, violence and hate crimes, increasing inequality between the rich and the poor, and most recently the outbreak of COVID-19—these are but a few gloom and doom realities that we have to confront daily in our lives and in our work settings in schools, colleges, and universities. What is there not to despair? Cynicism, hopelessness, and resignation can only paralyze us. Fortunately, despite the ecological, social, economic, and political realities and pressures, there are many children, youth, educators, and communities who have heeded feminist poet Adrienne Rich’s invitation to “stand on the first page of the end of despair.” Join Dr. Dilafruz Williams as she shares stories of schools across the US and Canada where down-to-earth engagement with life’s lessons in learning gardens brings regenerative possibilities of hope. Hosted by OISE’s Learning Garden & OISE Wellness, this talk is sponsored by TDFEF.

Registration is required. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Leading Climate Action during the Pandemic

Wednesday October 27th, 4-5pm EDT

How do educators and their schools empower and support TDSB youth to lead local climate actions during the complications brought on by the COVID19 pandemic? Join TDSB teachers, principals & members of the EcoSchools team as they share their success stories - from moving Ecoteams online, engaging youth in activism, to developing a new TDSB Climate Action Plan.

Registration is required. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Teaching Climate Change by Actively Empowering Learners in a Warming World

Thursday November 18th, 4-5pm EST

In this interactive session, Dr Karen Acton and Jenn Stevens from Learning for a Sustainable Future (LSF) will present their new online climate change guide “Empowering Learners in a Warming World”. This resource was created to assist educators in teaching the complex issues of climate change using an active learning, inquiry-based approach to deepen understanding of key sustainability topics. You will leave this webinar with enhanced knowledge on helping students critically question their assumptions and beliefs, and empowering them to take action! (Note: This gr. 7-12 guide is easily adapted for junior grades.)

Registration is required. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.