Toronto District School Board
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Greek Heritage Month at the Toronto District School Board

Friday, February 25, 2022
Categories: Happenings @ TDSB

The Toronto District School Board is proud to recognize Greek Heritage Month (GHM) during the month of March.

During the month of March, several activities will be shared to mark GHM. A poster contest was held and all students from the Toronto District School Board were invited to submit images that best reflected this year’s theme. The selected images are posted below.

The theme for this year is based on TDSB’s priorities:

“Joy, Engagement, Belonging”
“Ευτυχία, Eνθάρρυνση, Eνότητα”

Visit the GHM website for information and resources

This year’s website includes “Daily Announcements” along with featured focussed days with activities. “Musical Mondays”
“Traditional Tuesdays”
“Wonder Wednesdays”
“Theatrical Thursdays”
“Foodie Fridays”
Greek Heritage Month - Calendar of Activities (

Join us on Friday, March 24th for a Social Event at Floga Restaurant – see flyer to rsvp

Join us on Sunday, March 26th at 1:30pm for the Greek Independence Day Parade on the Danforth (meet at 15 Phin Avenue at 1pm).

Greek Heritage Poster 1

Greek Heritage Poster 2

Greek Heritage Poster 3
