This year in Ontario, Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator appreciation day will take place on October 21, 2021. Celebrated annually, this day recognizes the valuable contributions of Child Care Workers and Early Childhood Educators and the impact they have on children, families, and communities.
The Toronto District School Board is the largest employer of Early Childhood Educators in Ontario, with educators supporting quality early years experiences and student success in our Full-Day Kindergarten classrooms, EarlyON Child and Family Centres, and Extended Day Programs. In our schools we also support more than 370 community led school-based Child Care and before-and after-school programs. The contributions of these educators are meaningful and imperative to the development and well-being of all children.
Thank you to the Early Learning and Child Care heroes that make a difference in the TDSB each day!
“The Extended Day Program has been a total game-changer for many of the families at our school. It provides parents the opportunity to receive care right on site, with the teachers they already know and trust within the school. This program provides some parents the opportunity to gain employment opportunities that otherwise may not have been possible. Quite simply, our EDP program changes lives.
Designated Early Childhood Educators are the heart and soul of this essential TDSB program. Each and every day they greet our students with a welcoming smile and a positive environment to learn, make friends, build, explore and connect with outstanding adults who are true role models. I’m very proud of our team of Early Childhood Educators at Grey Owl Junior Public School and I hope that they feel valued and respected for the important work that they do each and every day in our community.”
Neil Runnalls
Principal, Grey Owl JPS
“ECEs are valuable members of the FDK team. They work closely with OCTs and provide a wealth of background knowledge in early childhood development. Specializing in working with young children, ECEs provide insight when co-planning and co-teaching with the OCT to provide age-appropriate activities and learning skills that are in line with the curriculum, as well as, contribute to observation and assessment of student learning (e.g., behaviour logs, frequency charts, task analysis).”
Leona Woodruff
OCT, North Bendale JPS
“When a person makes the decision to have a career as a Child Care Worker or an Early Childhood Educator, they are making the decision to have an impact on children and their families.
As Child Care Workers and Early Childhood Educators in the Extended Day Program within the TDSB, you are providing a welcoming and nurturing environment for the children as well as building the relation between home and school. As you support children at the beginning of the day and then again at the end of the school day, you are making meaningful connections that will last a lifetime.
Thank you for your dedication to families, the community and the field of Early Childhood Education.”
Sharon Hack
Child Care Services Manager - Extended Day Program
The Parent Worker has been such a big part of our school community and a wonderful colleague to work with. She is knowledgeable, kind and has a gentle personality.
Full-Day Kindergarten OCT
“Your emails and story and music times through the pandemic have helped keep us going. I learned a lot from your emails and reference materials and we're still singing your songs.”
EarlyON Parent
“The Parent Worker always puts so much care into running the program. It is my favourite place to go with my daughter, who loves going as well, and enjoys the new and interesting things set up at the water table, playdough table, etc. Thank you for all of the wonderful memories we are making there.”
EarlyON Parent
“I found out today that one of the families that join my Story and Music Time regularly moved to Toronto a few months ago. The grandparents miss their grandson terribly. So, while the mom/toddler sing and dance with me, an additional iPad is set up in the room so that the grandparents can watch and join in the fun. Grandparents live somewhere in a city north of New Delhi!”
TDSB Parent Worker during virtual programming, Spring 2021
“The Parent Worker has had a huge impact on our family and has since the day we met her! Thank you so much for all your hard work.”
EarlyON Parent
“Looking back over the past year and a half, I reflect on how much has happened and how our world has changed so much. However, one of the things remaining consistent are the Early Childhood Educators and Child Care Workers and their commitment, dedication, love and support for our children. Each day I walk into our program I see the effort and drive our ECE’s and Child care workers have to ensure the safety of each child in our care. They give and give without expecting anything in return except a smile from a child. We are so blessed to have you ECE and Child Care Workers! Today we celebrate you, we thank you for the things that we don’t see, we thank you for all that you do!”
Nicola Greenland, Supervisor
Children of Tomorrow Child Care Centre
Ways to celebrate the 21st Annual Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day:
- Arrange for an announcement in the morning recognizing the wonderful work done each day by Child Care Workers and Early Childhood Educators
- Use the hashtag #EarlyLearningHeroes and #LesHérosDeLaPetiteEnfance
- Set up a “Wall of Fame” board in an accessible area for co-workers and students to share messages of thanks
- Add the day to your school weekly newsletter