Toronto District School Board
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November is Indigenous Education Month at the TDSB

Monday, October 26, 2020
Categories: News Releases

November is Indigenous Education Month at TDSB

In November, we honour Indigenous Education Month at the TDSB. This month reminds us to centre First Nations, Métis and Inuit perspectives, histories and contemporary realities. In classrooms across the TDSB, it is an opportunity to learn about treaties, Indigenous leadership, achievements, and resistance.

Over the course of this month, students, staff and community members recognize a number of important days to deepen knowledge, to learn together about our shared history, and to build stronger relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada.


First Nations, Métis and Inuit Days of Significance

Over the course of November, students, staff and community members recognize a number of important days to deepen knowledge and to build stronger relationships between non-Indigenous and Indigenous peoples in Canada. This includes Treaty Recognition Week (Nov. 2-6), Inuit Day (Nov. 7), Aboriginal Veterans’ Day (Nov. 8), Louis Riel Day (Nov. 16), and an opportunity to Rock Your Mocs (Nov. 15-21). Follow @UIEC_tdsb.
