Toronto District School Board
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North Toronto Collegiate Institute (GR. 09-12)

Health and Safety (H&S) workplace inspections are conducted every month in all of our 582 operating schools. Below you can find the H&S reports for your school, for the 2021-2022 school years.  More information and Frequently Asked Questions

Date InspectedLocation in SchoolHealth & Safety Issue ObservedClassAction Taken ByDate Action TakenDetails
09/21/23206 electricalegress blocked or insufficient path (doorway, hallway or stairwell)BCaretaker09/25/23Details
09/21/23Chiller Rom L3leaking/pooling/ponding of water or liquid (be as specific as possible)ACaretaker09/25/23Details
09/21/23Mech Room 305fire exit route sign (yellow TDSB) - not posted / requires updatingBCaretaker09/25/23Details
09/21/23Mech Room 117door or stairwell not numbered properly (interior or exterior), (specify)BCaretaker09/25/23Details
11/20/23Mech Room 305leaking/pooling/ponding of water or liquid (be as specific as possible)ACaretaker11/21/23Details
11/20/23Mech Room bsmntleaking/pooling/ponding of water or liquid (be as specific as possible)ACaretaker11/21/23Details
11/20/23elevator equipment damaged or improperly stored (specify)BCaretaker11/21/23Details
12/21/23106inappropriate storage of materials/furniture/shelving, or clutterBCaretaker12/22/23Details
12/21/23430egress blocked or insufficient path (doorway, hallway or stairwell)BCaretaker12/22/23Details
01/01/24311ceiling damaged (specify)ACaretaker01/15/24Details
01/01/24P301inappropriate storage of materials/furniture/shelving, or clutterBCaretaker01/15/24Details
02/21/24113door/access door (specify)ACaretaker02/26/24Details
02/21/24319extension cord/power bar - inappropriate use of extension cord/power bar (be specific)BCaretaker02/22/24Details
02/21/24Mech Room 117door or stairwell not numbered properly (interior or exterior), (specify)BPrincipal02/22/24Details
02/21/24328extension cord/power bar - inappropriate use of extension cord/power bar (be specific)BCaretaker02/22/24Details
03/25/24222extension cord/power bar - inappropriate use of extension cord/power bar (be specific)BPrincipal03/25/24Details
03/25/24233panel (specify) ACaretaker03/26/24Details
03/25/24227Bpanel (specify) ACaretaker03/26/24Details
04/12/24221insufficient means of communication (ie: PA, radio, etc.)BPrincipal04/12/24Details
04/12/24220extension cord/power bar - inappropriate use of extension cord/power bar (be specific)BPrincipal04/12/24Details
04/12/24220lighting in need of repair (maintenance issue)ACaretaker04/16/24Details
05/24/24333window covering damaged/in need of repairACaretaker05/31/24Details
05/24/24338microwave stickers missingBCaretaker05/31/24Details
06/04/24Chem. Prep 436ceiling damaged (specify)ACaretaker06/12/24Details
06/04/24Guidance ceiling damaged (specify)ACaretaker06/12/24Details
06/04/24Chem. Prep 436ceiling damaged (specify)ACaretaker06/12/24Details
06/04/24Chem. Prep 436exposed wiring/damaged cord/ground pin missingACaretaker06/12/24Details