Date Inspected | Location in School | Health & Safety Issue Observed | Class | Action Taken By | Date Action Taken | Details |
09/01/23 | 349 Science Prep Room | inappropriate storage of materials/furniture/shelving, or clutter | B | Principal | 09/25/23 | Details |
09/01/23 | 303 | window covering damaged/in need of repair | A | Caretaker | 09/07/23 | Details |
09/01/23 | 150 Wood Shop | fire separating doors in hallways/corridors being propped open (not classroom doors) | B | Principal | 09/20/23 | Details |
09/01/23 | 150 Wood Shop | improper storage (ie: not secured, not venting) | B | Principal | 09/20/23 | Details |
09/01/23 | 150 Wood Shop | Procedures and Safe Use - signage not present for equipment in Tech Shop | B | Principal | 09/20/23 | Details |
09/01/23 | 341 | door/access door (specify) | A | Caretaker | 09/07/23 | Details |
09/01/23 | 037 Mechanical Room | leaking/pooling/ponding of water or liquid (be as specific as possible) | A | Caretaker | 09/07/23 | Details |
09/01/23 | Mechanical Room 1 | emergency lighting damaged/missing | A | Caretaker | 09/07/23 | Details |
10/03/23 | Staff Room | Joint Health & Safety Committee meeting minutes not posted (including names and contact numbers) | B | Principal | 11/17/23 | Details |
10/03/23 | Staff Room | Names and Locations of Certified First Aiders on site | B | Principal | 11/17/23 | Details |
10/03/23 | Staff Room | Workplace Inspection Form | B | Principal | 11/17/23 | Details |
12/18/23 | Mechanical Room 3 | eyewash station required or in need of repair (specify) | A | Caretaker | 01/10/24 | Details |
12/18/23 | Basement Hallway | ceiling damaged (specify) | A | Caretaker | 12/31/23 | Details |
12/18/23 | 150 Wood Shop | lighting in need of repair (maintenance issue) | A | Caretaker | 01/03/24 | Details |
12/18/23 | 150 Wood Shop | trip hazard (i.e. flooring, other materials) | A | Caretaker | 01/11/24 | Details |
12/18/23 | 150 Wood Shop | anti-slip strips missing | B | Principal | 01/18/24 | Details |
12/18/23 | 150 Wood Shop | anti-slip strips missing | B | Principal | 01/18/24 | Details |
12/18/23 | mechanical rooms | lighting in need of repair (maintenance issue) | A | Caretaker | 01/03/24 | Details |
12/18/23 | Staff Room | Guide to Occupational Health & Safety Reporting Forms | B | Principal | 12/31/23 | Details |
12/18/23 | Staff Room | Joint Health and Safety Committee 'Terms of Reference' | B | Principal | 12/31/23 | Details |
12/18/23 | Staff Room | Names and Locations of Certified First Aiders on site | B | Principal | 12/31/23 | Details |
12/18/23 | Staff Room | PO72 TDSB Workplace Violence Prevention Policy | B | Principal | 12/31/23 | Details |
12/18/23 | Staff Room | PO48 TDSB Occupational Health & Safety Policy | B | Principal | 12/31/23 | Details |
12/18/23 | Staff Room | PO34 TDSB Harassment Policy | B | Principal | 12/31/23 | Details |
12/18/23 | Fan Room #2 | eyewash station required or in need of repair (specify) | A | Caretaker | 01/10/24 | Details |
01/25/24 | Mech room 020 | portable ladder - damaged or not securely stored | A | Caretaker | 02/07/24 | Details |
01/25/24 | 2 | leaking/pooling/ponding of water or liquid (be as specific as possible) | A | Caretaker | 02/07/24 | Details |
02/01/24 | 150 Wood Shop | anti-slip strips missing | B | Principal | 02/13/24 | Details |
02/01/24 | 149 | fire exit route sign (yellow TDSB) - not posted / requires updating | B | Principal | 02/20/24 | Details |
02/01/24 | Main Office | extension cord/power bar - inappropriate use of extension cord/power bar (be specific) | B | Principal | 02/13/24 | Details |
02/01/24 | Main Office | exposed wiring/damaged cord/ground pin missing | A | Principal | 02/13/24 | Details |
02/01/24 | Main Office | ceiling damaged (specify) | A | Principal | 02/13/24 | Details |
02/01/24 | 145 | fire exit route sign (yellow TDSB) - not posted / requires updating | B | Principal | 02/14/24 | Details |
02/01/24 | 145A | panel (specify) | A | Principal | 02/20/24 | Details |
02/01/24 | Staff Room | Occupational Health & Safety Act | B | Principal | 02/13/24 | Details |
02/01/24 | 106 | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 02/09/24 | Details |
02/01/24 | 349 Science Prep Room | carts for transporting chemicals do not have 4 sides | B | Principal | 02/13/24 | Details |
02/01/24 | 349 Science Prep Room | fume hood - improper use (not to be used for storage) | B | Principal | 02/13/24 | Details |
02/01/24 | 349 Science Prep Room | inspections not up to date (specify equipment) | B | Principal | 02/20/24 | Details |
02/01/24 | 349A Chemical Storage | broken glass container is required in science storage/prep room | B | Principal | 02/13/24 | Details |
02/01/24 | Mechanical Room 1 | eyewash station required or in need of repair (specify) | A | Caretaker | 02/09/24 | Details |
02/01/24 | Mechanical Room 3 | eyewash station required or in need of repair (specify) | A | Caretaker | 02/09/24 | Details |
02/01/24 | Fan Room in gym 020 | lighting is insufficient for task in work area, room number and why | B | Caretaker | 02/09/24 | Details |
02/01/24 | 102 | display(s) not within TDSB standards as outlined by OH&S and Standards & Compliance (ie; artwork, hanging displays, paper on walls) | B | Principal | 02/13/24 | Details |
02/01/24 | 138 | display(s) not within TDSB standards as outlined by OH&S and Standards & Compliance (ie; artwork, hanging displays, paper on walls) | B | Principal | 02/13/24 | Details |
02/01/24 | Main Office | display(s) not within TDSB standards as outlined by OH&S and Standards & Compliance (ie; artwork, hanging displays, paper on walls) | B | Principal | 02/14/24 | Details |
02/01/24 | 139 | display(s) not within TDSB standards as outlined by OH&S and Standards & Compliance (ie; artwork, hanging displays, paper on walls) | B | Principal | 02/13/24 | Details |
03/14/24 | 161 | door/access door (specify) | A | Caretaker | 04/02/24 | Details |
03/14/24 | 117 | fire exit route sign (yellow TDSB) - not posted / requires updating | B | Principal | 04/02/24 | Details |
04/08/24 | 349 | exposed wiring/damaged cord/ground pin missing | A | Caretaker | 04/12/24 | Details |
04/08/24 | 289 | exposed wiring/damaged cord/ground pin missing | A | Caretaker | 04/12/24 | Details |
04/08/24 | 291 | damaged surface (ie: wall, ceiling, flashing, drywall, flooring, stairs) | A | Caretaker | 04/12/24 | Details |
04/08/24 | 150 Wood Shop | inspections not up to date (specify equipment) | B | Principal | 06/07/24 | Details |
04/08/24 | fan room 1 | trip hazard (i.e. flooring, other materials) | A | Caretaker | 04/12/24 | Details |
04/08/24 | 150 Wood Shop | inspections not up to date (specify equipment) | B | Principal | 06/07/24 | Details |
04/08/24 | 150 Wood Shop | inspections not up to date (specify equipment) | B | Principal | 06/07/24 | Details |
04/08/24 | 295 | inappropriate storage of materials/furniture/shelving, or clutter | B | Principal | 06/10/24 | Details |
05/13/24 | 262 | microwave stickers missing | B | Principal | 05/23/24 | Details |
05/13/24 | 277 | microwave stickers missing | B | Principal | 05/23/24 | Details |
05/13/24 | 265 | extension cord/power bar - inappropriate use of extension cord/power bar (be specific) | B | Principal | 05/23/24 | Details |
05/13/24 | 203 | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 06/02/24 | Details |
05/13/24 | 285 | extension cord/power bar - inappropriate use of extension cord/power bar (be specific) | B | Principal | 05/23/24 | Details |
06/11/24 | 150 Wood Shop | excessive dust (related to tech shops) | B | Principal | 06/24/24 | Details |
06/11/24 | Girls washroom | unable to inspect (specify why if possible) | B | Principal | 06/24/24 | Details |
06/11/24 | 150 Wood Shop | insufficient means of communication (ie: PA, radio, etc.) | A | Caretaker | 06/24/24 | Details |
06/11/24 | Boiler Room | PPE - personal protective equipment not available | B | Caretaker | 06/24/24 | Details |
06/11/24 | Boiler Room - 318 | carbon dioxide monitor inspection out of date (specify location) | A | Caretaker | 06/24/24 | Details |
06/11/24 | Chiller Room | carbon dioxide monitor inspection out of date (specify location) | A | Caretaker | 06/24/24 | Details |
06/11/24 | Boys washroom | unable to inspect (specify why if possible) | B | Principal | 06/24/24 | Details |