October is Islamic Heritage Month (IHM) at the TDSB, and the academic theme for IHM this year is: “Reflect. Celebrate. Learn.”
There are many exciting events planned throughout the month, at a variety of locations across Toronto, to give students, parents and community members opportunities to learn about the rich culture and traditions of Muslims in Canada.
Please see the IHM Calendar of Events for event details. Be sure to register early through EventBrite, as space may be limited, some events fill up quickly. Follow us on Twitter @TDSB_IHM for updates and pictures. We look forward to seeing you there!
See the Islamic Heritage Month Resource Guide.
See the Islamic Heritage Month poster.
To view the TDSB response to concerns raised by B’Nai Brith Canada and the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies, please click on the following letters:
Response from TDSB Chair Robin Pilkey to B’Nai Brith Canada
Response from TDSB Executive Superintendent Jim Spyropoulos to the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies