Toronto District School Board
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Highcastle Public School (GR. JK-08)

Health and Safety (H&S) workplace inspections are conducted every month in all of our 582 operating schools. Below you can find the H&S reports for your school, for the 2021-2022 school years.  More information and Frequently Asked Questions

Date Inspected11/03/17
Location in SchoolHealth and Safety Bulletin Board
Health & Safety Issue ObservedHealth & Safety bulletin board - required items are missing or outdated (be specific)
Health & Safety Issue DetailsThe Health and Safety Bulletin Board is missing the following items: A copy of the most recent Joint Health & Safety Committee (JHSC) meeting minutes, including names/contact information, P034 TDSB Harassment Policy.
Corrective Actiondocument printed and posted to board
Corrective Action TakenCaretaker
Action Taken ByHighcastle Public School
Date Action Taken12/15/17