Toronto District School Board
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EarlyON Child and Family Centre

EarlyON Child and Family Centre

This school has an EarlyON Child and Family Centre, a free program for parents and caregivers with children from infants to 6 years of age. Please come and visit the centre any time during program hours; it is a place where children can play, explore and learn and enjoy a nutritious snack. You will make connections with other families and receive information about programs and services in the community. EarlyON centres in the TDSB provide an opportunity to become familiar with schools and build relationships with the school staff. It is a friendly place with a qualified early-years professional who will welcome you and offer a program that supports children’s learning and development.

Free. No pre-registration required. Drop in any time during program hours.

For more information, please call 416-394-2104


School: Glen Ravine Junior Public School
Address: 11 Gadsby Dr, Scarborough, ON
Ward: 17
Phone: 416-396-6280
Mon. to Fri. 9:30am - 1:30pm