Toronto District School Board
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Sir Samuel B Steele Junior Public School (GR. JK-06)

Health and Safety (H&S) workplace inspections are conducted every month in all of our 582 operating schools. Below you can find the H&S reports for your school, for the 2021-2022 school years.  More information and Frequently Asked Questions

Date InspectedLocation in SchoolHealth & Safety Issue ObservedClassAction Taken ByDate Action TakenDetails
09/12/23staff room Workplace Inspection FormBPrincipal09/13/23Details
09/12/23staff room Names and Locations of Certified First Aiders on siteBPrincipal09/13/23Details
09/12/23staff room WSIB Poster In Case of Injury at Work""BPrincipal09/13/23Details
09/12/23Health roomfire exit route sign (yellow TDSB) - not posted / requires updatingBPrincipal09/13/23Details
09/12/23staff room Joint Health and Safety Committee 'Terms of Reference'BPrincipal09/13/23Details
09/12/23107window damaged, in need of repair (specify)ACaretaker09/13/23Details
09/12/23110window damaged, in need of repair (specify)ACaretaker09/13/23Details
11/14/23staff room household cleaners present (not TDSB approved)BPrincipal12/13/23Details
11/14/23staff room Health and Safety Concern Form/Near Miss Incident FormBPrincipal12/13/23Details
11/14/23Mech Roomfurniture unsafe - requires repairACaretaker12/13/23Details
11/14/23hall wayceiling tiles missing/looseACaretaker12/13/23Details
11/14/23staff room Joint Health & Safety Committee meeting minutes not posted (including names and contact numbers)BPrincipal12/13/23Details
11/14/23Mech Roomstorage - inappropriate storage of materials (ie. furniture, boxes )BCaretaker12/13/23Details
11/14/23Boiler Roomegress blocked or insufficient path (doorway, hallway or stairwell)BCaretaker12/13/23Details
11/14/23Mech Roomdamaged surface (ie: wall, ceiling, flashing, drywall, flooring, stairs)ACaretaker12/13/23Details
11/14/23Mech Roominsufficient means of communication (ie: PA, radio, etc.)BCaretaker12/13/23Details
11/14/23Mech Room 2nd flinappropriate storage of materials/furniture/shelving, or clutterBCaretaker12/13/23Details
11/14/23Hallceiling damaged (specify)ACaretaker12/13/23Details
11/14/23Hallceiling tiles missing/looseACaretaker12/13/23Details
11/14/23Halllighting in need of repair (maintenance issue)ACaretaker12/13/23Details
11/14/23Mechanical Roominsufficient means of communication (ie: PA, radio, etc.)BCaretaker12/13/23Details
11/14/23Hallceiling tiles missing/looseACaretaker12/13/23Details
12/15/23208extension cord/power bar - inappropriate use of extension cord/power bar (be specific)BCaretaker12/29/23Details