Toronto District School Board
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Lucy Maud Montgomery Public School (GR. JK-08)

Health and Safety (H&S) workplace inspections are conducted every month in all of our 582 operating schools. Below you can find the H&S reports for your school, for the 2021-2022 school years.  More information and Frequently Asked Questions

Date InspectedLocation in SchoolHealth & Safety Issue ObservedClassAction Taken ByDate Action TakenDetails
10/05/23boiler roomemergency exit door - mechanical malfunction on exit doorACaretaker Details
11/21/23Gym occupancy sign not postedBCaretaker11/23/23Details
11/21/23Exit 3 1st floordoor/access door (specify)A  Details
11/21/23202combustible material being displayed that is not fire rated/treatedAPrincipal02/22/24Details
11/21/23201combustible material being displayed that is not fire rated/treatedAPrincipal02/22/24Details
12/05/23201ergonomic hazardBPrincipal02/12/24Details
01/23/24203eyewash station required or in need of repair (specify)ACaretaker01/29/24Details
01/23/24hall 2nd floor ceiling damaged (specify)ACaretaker01/29/24Details
01/23/24206HEPA Unit is not available per the TDSB HEPA guidelineBPrincipal03/04/24Details
01/23/24Boys washroomdamaged surface (ie: wall, ceiling, flashing, drywall, flooring, stairs)ACaretaker01/29/24Details
01/23/24Boys washroomequipment damaged or improperly stored (specify)BCaretaker01/29/24Details
01/23/24Boys washroomceiling damaged (specify)ACaretaker01/29/24Details
01/23/24Girls washroomceiling tiles missing/looseACaretaker01/29/24Details
01/23/24Girls washroomceiling damaged (specify)ACaretaker01/29/24Details
01/23/24203leaking/pooling/ponding of water or liquid (be as specific as possible)ACaretaker01/29/24Details
01/23/24203HEPA Unit is not available per the TDSB HEPA guidelineBPrincipal03/04/24Details
01/23/24Boiler / Mechanical Rmtrip hazard (i.e. flooring, other materials)ACaretaker01/29/24Details
01/23/24Stairwell 3paint flaking, chipping, possible lead exposureA 01/29/24Details
01/23/24204HEPA Unit is not available per the TDSB HEPA guidelineBPrincipal03/04/24Details
03/15/24boiler roomdoor/access door (specify)ACaretaker03/19/24Details
03/15/24104emergency exit sign (specify)ACaretaker03/19/24Details
03/15/24103window covering damaged/in need of repairACaretaker03/19/24Details
03/15/24Exit 3 1st floordoor/access door (specify)ACaretaker03/19/24Details
04/08/24102combustible material being displayed that is not fire rated/treatedAPrincipal06/03/24Details
06/19/24library officemouldBCaretaker07/15/24Details
06/19/24Main officemouldBCaretaker07/15/24Details
06/19/24Student Lunch Roomair - return/supply (specify)ACaretaker07/15/24Details