Toronto District School Board
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Birch Cliff Heights Public School (GR. JK-08)

Health and Safety (H&S) workplace inspections are conducted every month in all of our 582 operating schools. Below you can find the H&S reports for your school, for the 2021-2022 school years.  More information and Frequently Asked Questions

Date InspectedLocation in SchoolHealth & Safety Issue ObservedClassAction Taken ByDate Action TakenDetails
09/18/23SERT roomdamaged surface (ie: wall, ceiling, flashing, drywall, flooring, stairs)ACaretaker09/20/23Details
09/18/23gym occupancy sign not postedBPrincipal12/01/23Details
09/18/23109extension cord/power bar - inappropriate use of extension cord/power bar (be specific)BPrincipal12/01/23Details
09/18/23109paint flaking, chipping, possible lead exposureACaretaker09/20/23Details
09/18/23108extension cord/power bar - inappropriate use of extension cord/power bar (be specific)BPrincipal12/01/23Details
09/18/23108paint flaking, chipping, possible lead exposureACaretaker09/20/23Details
09/18/23Snack roomdoor or stairwell not numbered properly (interior or exterior), (specify)BPrincipal12/01/23Details
12/11/23hallpaint flaking, chipping, possible lead exposureACaretaker12/12/23Details
12/11/23b2ceiling damaged (specify)ACaretaker12/12/23Details
12/11/23107bceiling tiles missing/looseACaretaker12/12/23Details
12/11/23staff roommicrowave stickers missingBCaretaker12/20/23Details
12/11/23Music Roomdoor/access door (specify)ACaretaker12/20/23Details
12/11/23Music Roomceiling tiles missing/looseACaretaker12/12/23Details
12/11/23hallceiling tiles missing/looseACaretaker12/12/23Details
12/11/23gym kitchen workplace inspection hazards (E-WIP) not addressed BCaretaker12/12/23Details
12/11/23stage receptacle/light switch (specify)ACaretaker12/12/23Details
12/11/23Small room by ESL ROOMceiling tiles missing/looseACaretaker12/12/23Details
12/11/23crawl space leaking/pooling/ponding of water or liquid (be as specific as possible)ACaretaker12/12/23Details
01/30/24Main Officedamaged surface (ie: wall, ceiling, flashing, drywall, flooring, stairs)ACaretaker02/01/24Details
01/30/24Exit 2damaged surface (ie: wall, ceiling, flashing, drywall, flooring, stairs)ACaretaker02/01/24Details
01/30/24Exit 2damaged surface (ie: wall, ceiling, flashing, drywall, flooring, stairs)ACaretaker02/01/24Details
01/30/24staff roomexposed wiring/damaged cord/ground pin missingACaretaker02/01/24Details
02/11/24207combustible material being displayed that is not fire rated/treatedAPrincipal05/01/24Details
02/11/24104combustible material being displayed that is not fire rated/treatedAPrincipal05/01/24Details
02/11/24work room door or stairwell not numbered properly (interior or exterior), (specify)BPrincipal05/01/24Details
03/27/24203damaged surface (ie: wall, ceiling, flashing, drywall, flooring, stairs)ACaretaker04/19/24Details
04/17/24SNA roomwindow damaged, in need of repair (specify)ACaretaker04/19/24Details
04/17/24Main entrancetrip hazard (i.e. flooring, other materials)ACaretaker04/19/24Details
05/05/24health roomexposed wiring/damaged cord/ground pin missingA  Details
05/05/24205ventilation (specify)A  Details
05/05/24203extension cord/power bar - inappropriate use of extension cord/power bar (be specific)BPrincipal05/07/24Details
05/05/24health roominsulation - required or in need of repairA  Details
06/28/24libraryfurniture unsafe - requires repairACaretaker08/02/24Details