Date Inspected | Location in School | Health & Safety Issue Observed | Class | Action Taken By | Date Action Taken | Details |
09/15/23 | P303 | trip hazard (i.e. flooring, other materials) | A | Caretaker | 09/19/23 | Details |
09/15/23 | P303 | trip hazard (i.e. flooring, other materials) | A | Caretaker | 09/19/23 | Details |
09/15/23 | p351 | damaged surface (ie: wall, ceiling, flashing, drywall, flooring, stairs) | A | Caretaker | 09/19/23 | Details |
10/24/23 | P327 | inspections not up to date (specify equipment) | B | Caretaker | 01/02/24 | Details |
10/24/23 | P204 Drama | exposed wiring/damaged cord/ground pin missing | A | Caretaker | 10/30/23 | Details |
10/24/23 | P204 Drama | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 10/30/23 | Details |
10/24/23 | P204 Drama | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 10/30/23 | Details |
10/24/23 | P204 Drama | insufficient means of communication (ie: PA, radio, etc.) | B | Caretaker | 10/30/23 | Details |
10/24/23 | Mechanical Room P318 | eyewash station required or in need of repair (specify) | A | Caretaker | 10/30/23 | Details |
10/24/23 | P320 | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 10/30/23 | Details |
10/24/23 | P321 | inspections not up to date (specify equipment) | B | Caretaker | 01/02/24 | Details |
10/24/23 | P322 | eyewash station required or in need of repair (specify) | A | Caretaker | 10/30/23 | Details |
10/24/23 | P325 | inspections not up to date (specify equipment) | B | Caretaker | 12/05/23 | Details |
10/24/23 | 244 | ceiling damaged (specify) | A | Caretaker | 10/30/23 | Details |
10/24/23 | P328A | inspections not up to date (specify equipment) | B | Caretaker | 01/02/24 | Details |
10/24/23 | P326 | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 10/30/23 | Details |
11/29/23 | P309 | fire exit route sign (yellow TDSB) - not posted / requires updating | B | Caretaker | 12/05/23 | Details |
11/29/23 | P219 Mechanical Room | door or stairwell not numbered properly (interior or exterior), (specify) | B | Caretaker | 12/04/23 | Details |
11/29/23 | P205 Mechanical Room | door or stairwell not numbered properly (interior or exterior), (specify) | B | Caretaker | 12/04/23 | Details |
11/29/23 | P328 | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 12/04/23 | Details |
11/29/23 | p310 | fire exit route sign (yellow TDSB) - not posted / requires updating | B | Caretaker | 12/05/23 | Details |
11/29/23 | Exit 4 | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 12/04/23 | Details |
11/29/23 | Exit 4 | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 12/04/23 | Details |
11/29/23 | 218 | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 12/04/23 | Details |
11/29/23 | P314 | fire exit route sign (yellow TDSB) - not posted / requires updating | B | Caretaker | 12/05/23 | Details |
11/29/23 | Auto Shop... | gas cylinder not secured | B | Caretaker | 12/04/23 | Details |
01/01/24 | 2 floor mechanical 219 | drain (specify) | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | Mech Room P205 | drain (specify) | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | Mech Room P205 | drain (specify) | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | 327 | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | 318 | ceiling damaged (specify) | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | Carpentry Shop | safety equipment and systems are not accessible, blocked or damaged (ie; fire pull station, fire hose, panel, gas feed, water shut off, blocked breakers) | B | Caretaker | 02/14/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | Carpentry Shop | safety equipment and systems are not accessible, blocked or damaged (ie; fire pull station, fire hose, panel, gas feed, water shut off, blocked breakers) | B | Caretaker | 02/14/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | Gyms c and d | workplace inspection hazards (E-WIP) not addressed | B | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | Gyms c and d | paint flaking, chipping, possible lead exposure | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | Gyms c and d | guarding or shielding not in place | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | GYM B | receptacle/light switch (specify) | A | Caretaker | 02/14/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | GYM C P107 | HEPA Unit is not available per the TDSB HEPA guideline | B | Caretaker | 02/14/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | Women Change Room P109 | paint flaking, chipping, possible lead exposure | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | Mens Change Room | paint flaking, chipping, possible lead exposure | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | Mens Change Room | washroom - hand soap is not available | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | P111 | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | P105 - Team 1 Changeroom | paint flaking, chipping, possible lead exposure | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | Door 4 | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | Door 4 | paint flaking, chipping, possible lead exposure | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | Pool - Female Changeroom | paint flaking, chipping, possible lead exposure | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | Female Washroom | washroom - hand soap is not available | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | Hall(s) | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | Hall(s) | ceiling damaged (specify) | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | Hall(s) | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | Hall(s) | ceiling damaged (specify) | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | Hall(s) | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | Hall(s) | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | pool | ceiling damaged (specify) | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | pool | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 01/30/24 | Details |
01/24/24 | Machine Shop | chemicals or household cleaners not properly labelled | B | Caretaker | 01/29/24 | Details |
02/29/24 | P116 | extension cord/power bar - inappropriate use of extension cord/power bar (be specific) | B | Caretaker | 03/01/24 | Details |
03/26/24 | P130 | ceiling damaged (specify) | A | Caretaker | 03/28/24 | Details |
03/26/24 | P327 | inspections not up to date (specify equipment) | B | Caretaker | 03/28/24 | Details |
03/26/24 | P131 | excessive dust (related to tech shops) | B | Caretaker | 03/28/24 | Details |
04/30/24 | p256 | combustible material being displayed that is not fire rated/treated | A | Principal | 06/03/24 | Details |
04/30/24 | p258 | combustible material being displayed that is not fire rated/treated | A | Principal | 06/03/24 | Details |
04/30/24 | p263 | combustible material being displayed that is not fire rated/treated | A | Principal | 06/03/24 | Details |
04/30/24 | P261 | combustible material being displayed that is not fire rated/treated | A | Principal | 06/03/24 | Details |
04/30/24 | p254 | combustible material being displayed that is not fire rated/treated | A | Principal | 06/03/24 | Details |
04/30/24 | p252 | combustible material being displayed that is not fire rated/treated | A | Principal | 06/03/24 | Details |
04/30/24 | p263 | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 06/06/24 | Details |
04/30/24 | P205 Mechanical Room | storage - inappropriate storage of materials (ie. furniture, boxes ) | B | Principal | 06/03/24 | Details |
04/30/24 | P223 | combustible material being displayed that is not fire rated/treated | A | Principal | 06/03/24 | Details |
05/22/24 | Guidance | lighting is insufficient for task in work area, room number and why | B | Principal | 06/03/24 | Details |
05/22/24 | 235 | trip hazard (i.e. flooring, other materials) | A | Caretaker | 06/06/24 | Details |
05/22/24 | 233 | trip hazard (i.e. flooring, other materials) | A | Caretaker | 06/06/24 | Details |
05/22/24 | 237 | lighting is insufficient for task in work area, room number and why | B | Principal | 06/03/24 | Details |
05/22/24 | guidance waiting room | air - return/supply (specify) | A | Caretaker | 06/06/24 | Details |
06/19/24 | Kitchen/Copy Room | insulation - required or in need of repair | A | Caretaker | 06/24/24 | Details |
06/19/24 | Male Washroom | washroom - hand soap is not available | A | Caretaker | 06/24/24 | Details |
06/19/24 | Female Washroom | unable to inspect (specify why if possible) | B | Caretaker | 06/24/24 | Details |
06/19/24 | 256 | window damaged, in need of repair (specify) | A | Caretaker | 06/24/24 | Details |
06/19/24 | Principle's Office | unable to inspect (specify why if possible) | B | Caretaker | 06/24/24 | Details |
06/19/24 | 226 | mould | B | Caretaker | 06/24/24 | Details |
06/19/24 | 227 | mould | B | Caretaker | 06/24/24 | Details |
06/19/24 | hall | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 06/24/24 | Details |
06/19/24 | stairwell 4 | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 06/24/24 | Details |