Today, the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) released achievement results and the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is pleased to share that the percentage of fully participating TDSB students achieving at or above the provincial standard in Grades 3 and 6 is higher than provincial results in five of the six assessments in reading, writing, and math.
Similarly, the percentage of fully participating TDSB students achieving at or above the provincial standard in the Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics and successful in the Grade 10 Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) is higher than provincial results.
While it’s encouraging to know that TDSB results are above the provincial average, we know that the pandemic has had an impact on student learning and we must continue to focus efforts to address the unfinished learning students have experienced over the past two years. This work is well underway at the TDSB.
“The EQAO results released today reinforce the importance of continuing to focus on strengthening the literacy and numeracy skills of all students, and especially those who have been most impacted by the disruptions to learning,” said Director of Education, Colleen Russell-Rawlins.
The TDSB has established a Pandemic Recovery Plan that identifies which groups have been most impacted by the pandemic, where interventions will be put in place, and initial outcomes that result from these interventions.
“We have a comprehensive approach to pandemic learning recovery that outlines the targeted interventions necessary to support all students, following the pandemic,” said Colleen Russell-Rawlins, Director of Education. “The EQAO data shared today reinforces some of what we already know from our own data in terms of how TDSB students are performing academically and will be helpful as staff continue to plan and adapt programs and initiatives aimed at student success.”
Visit the Research section of the website to view full 2021-22 EQAO results.