Toronto District School Board
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News releases

Elementary Reorganization

Dear Elementary Parent(s)/Guardian(s),   This is an important update about teacher staffing and classroom changes to TDSB elementary schools, effective the week of October 13, 2020. This update explains the reasons for these changes and...
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Categories: Happenings @ TDSB

Join us at the Virtual Parent Conference!

Join us on October 24 and 25 for our first-ever virtual parent conference. This online version offers all the same exciting, inspiring and informative content as our in-person conference, but allows you to participate all from the comfort of your...
Monday, October 5, 2020

Revised Screening Guidelines

As you may have heard, the Ministry of Education announced on Thursday that it has updated its COVID-19 school and child care screening guidance. The TDSB takes its lead from Toronto Public Health, who has also revised their guidance based on the...
Sunday, October 4, 2020

Elementary Virtual School Update

Elementary Virtual School Families, Earlier this week, we were optimistic that all classes would be assigned a teacher by today and that has not happened. As of today, more than 94 percent (approximately 56,000) Elementary Virtual School...
Friday, October 2, 2020
Categories: Happenings @ TDSB

October is Somali Heritage Month

Since June 2016, the TDSB has had the privilege to recognize Somali Heritage Month. The TDSB affirms our commitment to celebrating Somali Heritage Month and encourages students and staff to take this opportunity to learn about the history,...
Wednesday, September 30, 2020