Date Inspected | Location in School | Health & Safety Issue Observed | Class | Action Taken By | Date Action Taken | Details |
09/13/23 | Grounds/Outside perimeter | door/access door (specify) | A | Caretaker | 12/20/23 | Details |
09/13/23 | Grounds/Outside perimeter | door/access door (specify) | A | Caretaker | 12/20/23 | Details |
09/13/23 | Grounds/Outside perimeter | vegetation (please specify concern) | A | Caretaker | 12/19/23 | Details |
09/13/23 | Grounds/Outside perimeter | uneven surface - driveway, parking lot, walkway, or other | A | Caretaker | 12/19/23 | Details |
09/13/23 | Exit 3 | emergency exit door - mechanical malfunction on exit door | A | Caretaker | 12/20/23 | Details |
09/13/23 | Fan Room 1st fl | inappropriate storage of materials/furniture/shelving, or clutter | B | Caretaker | 12/19/23 | Details |
09/13/23 | Fan Room 1st fl | receptacle/light switch (specify) | A | Caretaker | 12/20/23 | Details |
09/13/23 | Storage B | extinguisher - tag missing or annual inspection more than 3 months overdue | A | Caretaker | 12/19/23 | Details |
09/14/23 | fan room basement east | equipment damaged or improperly stored (specify) | B | Caretaker | 12/19/23 | Details |
10/03/23 | 11 | extension cord/power bar - inappropriate use of extension cord/power bar (be specific) | B | Principal | 12/01/23 | Details |
10/03/23 | gym fan room | inappropriate storage of materials/furniture/shelving, or clutter | B | Caretaker | 12/19/23 | Details |
10/03/23 | 11 | microwave stickers missing | B | | | Details |
11/08/23 | Boiler Room Basement.. | guarding or shielding not in place | A | Caretaker | 12/18/23 | Details |
11/08/23 | Boiler Room Basement.. | leaking/pooling of liquid/water on equipment (be as specific as possible) | A | Caretaker | 12/18/23 | Details |
11/08/23 | 18 | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 12/18/23 | Details |
11/08/23 | 16 | multiport in use - potential fire hazard | B | | | Details |
11/08/23 | gym fan room | inappropriate storage of materials/furniture/shelving, or clutter | B | Caretaker | 12/18/23 | Details |
11/08/23 | 20 tech shop | furniture unsafe - requires repair | A | Caretaker | 12/18/23 | Details |
12/18/23 | Boiler Room. | eyewash station required or in need of repair (specify) | A | Caretaker | 12/18/23 | Details |
01/01/24 | receiving room | door or stairwell not numbered properly (interior or exterior), (specify) | B | | | Details |
01/01/24 | gym | door or stairwell not numbered properly (interior or exterior), (specify) | B | | | Details |
01/01/24 | Play Area | door or stairwell not numbered properly (interior or exterior), (specify) | B | | | Details |
01/01/24 | gym | door or stairwell not numbered properly (interior or exterior), (specify) | B | | | Details |
01/01/24 | gym | guarding or shielding not in place | A | | | Details |
01/01/24 | gym | guarding or shielding not in place | A | | | Details |
01/01/24 | gym | guarding or shielding not in place | A | | | Details |
01/01/24 | fan room basement west | inappropriate storage of materials/furniture/shelving, or clutter | B | | | Details |
01/01/24 | fan room basement west | insufficient means of communication (ie: PA, radio, etc.) | B | | | Details |
01/01/24 | fan room basement west | lighting in need of repair (maintenance issue) | A | | | Details |
01/01/24 | fan room basement east | insufficient means of communication (ie: PA, radio, etc.) | B | Caretaker | 05/01/24 | Details |
01/01/24 | boiler room | emergency lighting damaged/missing | A | Caretaker | 05/01/24 | Details |
01/17/24 | 24 | display(s) not within TDSB standards as outlined by OH&S and Standards & Compliance (ie; artwork, hanging displays, paper on walls) | B | | | Details |
01/17/24 | 21 | display(s) not within TDSB standards as outlined by OH&S and Standards & Compliance (ie; artwork, hanging displays, paper on walls) | B | | | Details |
01/17/24 | 31 | display(s) not within TDSB standards as outlined by OH&S and Standards & Compliance (ie; artwork, hanging displays, paper on walls) | B | | | Details |
01/17/24 | 28 | display(s) not within TDSB standards as outlined by OH&S and Standards & Compliance (ie; artwork, hanging displays, paper on walls) | B | | | Details |
01/17/24 | 28 | fire exit route sign (yellow TDSB) - not posted / requires updating | B | | | Details |
01/17/24 | 18 staff room | Workplace Inspection Form | B | | | Details |
01/17/24 | 18 staff room | Joint Health & Safety Committee meeting minutes not posted (including names and contact numbers) | B | | | Details |
02/19/24 | Stair 8 | ceiling damaged (specify) | A | Caretaker | 02/22/24 | Details |
02/19/24 | 8 | ceiling damaged (specify) | A | Caretaker | 02/22/24 | Details |
02/19/24 | 8 | lighting in need of repair (maintenance issue) | A | Caretaker | 03/01/24 | Details |
02/19/24 | 44 | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 02/22/24 | Details |
02/19/24 | 44 | damaged surface (ie: wall, ceiling, flashing, drywall, flooring, stairs) | A | Caretaker | 02/22/24 | Details |
02/19/24 | vp office | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 02/22/24 | Details |
02/19/24 | 1 | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 02/22/24 | Details |
02/19/24 | 2 | ceiling tiles missing/loose | A | Caretaker | 02/22/24 | Details |
03/15/24 | West Fan Room (Basement) | inappropriate storage of materials/furniture/shelving, or clutter | B | | | Details |
03/15/24 | Boiler Room. | eyewash station required or in need of repair (specify) | A | Caretaker | 05/01/24 | Details |
03/15/24 | 5 | extension cord/power bar - inappropriate use of extension cord/power bar (be specific) | B | | | Details |
03/15/24 | Boiler Room. | trip hazard (i.e. flooring, other materials) | A | Caretaker | 05/01/24 | Details |
03/15/24 | Boiler Room. | equipment damaged or improperly stored (specify) | B | Caretaker | 05/01/24 | Details |
03/15/24 | Boiler Room. | extension cord/power bar - inappropriate use of extension cord/power bar (be specific) | B | Caretaker | 05/01/24 | Details |
04/02/24 | Boys' Changeroom | exposed wiring/damaged cord/ground pin missing | A | Caretaker | 05/01/24 | Details |
04/02/24 | Boiler Room Basement.. | ACM - yellow asbestos bags present (attach a photo and include the number of bags)) | A1 | Caretaker | 05/01/24 | Details |
05/20/24 | Fan Room Basement | inappropriate storage of materials/furniture/shelving, or clutter | B | | | Details |
06/12/24 | Boiler Room Basement.. | unable to inspect (specify why if possible) | B | Caretaker | 06/13/24 | Details |
06/12/24 | fan room basement west | unable to inspect (specify why if possible) | B | Caretaker | 06/13/24 | Details |
06/12/24 | fan room basement east | unable to inspect (specify why if possible) | B | Caretaker | 06/13/24 | Details |