PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-9710


Jackman Avenue Junior Public School's Mission Statement

Jackman Avenue Public School opened its doors in 1963 as a small English Community School with a staff of 14. In 1971, the school broadened its scope, and welcomed one of the first early French Immersion programs in Toronto. In the past 47 years, the population of Jackman Avenue has grown extensively; so much so that a huge renovation occurred, doubling the size of the school, and adding on a third floor. Jackman remains a dual track school, and is almost evenly divided in numbers between French and English students. Currently, 34 teachers serve nearly 700 students. The school has a very close relationship with the Jackman Community Day Care, which has shared space within the school for the past 25 years.


Platinum Status Eco School

Jackman Avenue PS is one of 14 Platinum Status Eco Schools in the TDSB. We have a green roof, a number of outdoor learning gardens, a human sundial, and a very active EcoTeam and Gardening Club. The partnership among parents, students and staff is the key to our success. Every fall, all students participate in bulb planting in our school gardens. We have a comprehensive recycling program, and all classrooms and lunchroom have a compost bin, which is dumped weekly into our school compost, which we use to fertilize our gardens. . This year, we have implemented a boomerang lunch, and we are working to develop our eco-literacy curriculum.  

More Information About Jackman Avenue Junior Public School

School Wide Equity Focus

We have a strong commitment to equity and critical inquiry, and  pride ourselves on the work we do to ensure our community is safe and inclusive, and that our students and staff feel valued, represented, and respected.   We learn through bi-monthly equity themes, and share our understandings together every other month in an assembly format. 

Diversity of Enrichmenmt Activities

With a range of foci, including: athletics, arts, leadership, or more generalist clubs, we no doubt have an extra curricular activity that will fit the interests of each and ever student. Thanks to our School Council who are able to provide funds to support a number of Prologue performances and a “Scientist in the School” visit per term for every class.

Staff Development

Our teaching staff meets regularly to share best practise, collaborate on the planning of units of study, and investigate student work . We are focused on supporting students in using supporting evidence to answer an open response question through descriptive feedback; and we are committed to promoting critical and higher order thinking skills.

Healthy and Active Living Lifestyle

We are committed to working with our community to promote health living choices among our students. Being physically active, making nutritious lunch and snack choices and demonstrating co-operation and respect are all promoted and celebrated. An organized Kindergarten Snack Program and Jump Rope for Heart are among the programs we support.

Additional Features

  • Dedicated Staff
  • Warm and Engaging Classrooms
  • Computer Lab
  • Specialist Teachers
  • Integrated Technoloy
  • Active School Council
  • Grade 6 Ambassadors

Student Life - Where You Belong


Here at Jackman Avenue PS we work hard to build a strong sense of community where every child feels welcomed, valued, and included. With many extracurricular activities, students are sure to find a place where they can learn a new skill, or share their passion with like-minded individuals. As a school, we believe strongly in social responsibility. Teachers work to promote within students a global understanding of events and perspectives, and students in turn become involved in working to support those within our local and global community in need. As a school, we strongly believe in the power of individuals working together to make positive change, and we know that our community is broader than those four walls which make up our classrooms and school. Staff and students alike have a shared sensed of responsibility for the welfare and wellbeing of all our students. We have an active and involved Ambassadors program made up of grade 6 students trained to offer conflict resolution and peer mediation support at recess. These ambassadors are an integral part of our school community, working to foster peace and harmony.



Jackman Avenue PS offers a learning environment that respects and values diversity. We promote academic excellence built on equitable practices, and offer peaceful classrooms based on mutual respect and trust. Whatever a student's interet, we have an extra curricular activity for them.  We have fantastic sports teams that demonstrate high levels of skill, sportsmanship and character. We also offer a wide variety of clubs that focus on the arts, science and technology, games of strategy, and the environment. We are committed to leaving the environment better than how we found it, and in modelling our beliefs for others, and as such, our our beautiful exterior gardens serve as an integral part of our learning environment.  
As a staff. we are passionate about learning and committed to reflection and improvement. We are guided by the insight that it is our collective work that allows us to reach our highest potential as a school. With that in mind, we do all that we can to provide our students with what they need to succeed!


We would not be the school we are without our dedicated, involved and active parent community. Parents are active and involved members of our school community and take on many roles, including: serving as reading tutors to primary students, volunteering on class field trips, serving pizza at monthly Pizza Days, leading the gardening club, assisting with coaching and taking part in Parent Council. Our School Council works diligently on many fundraising initiatives, our largest being our Fun Fair, which takes place every May. It is the financial support from our School Council, which allows us as a school to provide a variety of extended and enriching opportunities to our students. As a school, we collaborate with a number of community and social agencies, including Toronto Police Service, Public Health, our local Public Library, and various Faculties of Education.