PHONE NUMBER: (416) 396-6620


Walter Perry Junior Public School's Mission Statement

Walter Perry Junior Public School, is located in the Scarborough Junction community on Falmouth Avenue south of Eglinton. The school first opened in 1954. The school is named after a prominent community leader William Walter Perry. We work together to create a positive environment focused on being kind to all. Walter Perry is a Model Inner City School as designated by the Ministry and prioritizes student and parent engagement.

Walter Perry staff is committed to student achievement and well being. Post pandemic, we have have renewed our focus on literacy and targeted intervention to support student learning. Walter Perry continues to use the highly engaging and interactive Promethean white board technology as well as Google Classroom. 

Student Nutrition = Student Learning

Students need to eat a healthy breakfast before school and maintain proper nutrition throughout the day. A well fed student is a student ready to learn. To this end, Walter Perry has a superb snack program. All students are eligible and all that is required is written parental permission and allergy information. 

Lunches are also important. We ask parents not to send Uber Eats or Skip the Dishes due to the disruptive nature.  

If you wish to take your child home for lunch please feel free to do so. Otherwise all students will have lunch in their classrooms supervised by our Lunchroom Supervisors and grade 6 leaders.

More Information About Walter Perry Junior Public School

Student Support

Walter Perry services a wide variety of student needs. We have a strong  ESL program. We have an Intensive Support Programme for students living with Autism.  Additionally, our staff continue to learn about and implement strategies designed to reach as many students as possible.


Walter Perry continues to develop its Library Learning Commons as the hub of the school.  We have upgraded our wireless capabilities and are proud to say that students from grades 1-6 have their own Chromebook to use while at school

Check out the Walter Perry Website for updates, activities and useful parent.student information.


Student success comes in more ways than only academics. Athletic, social emotional, interpersonal success is very important in creating a well rounded student. Water Perry students have many extra curricular choices available to them.  House league, team sports, clubs, art, music, crafts, chess, choir, band- the list goes on and on -get involved and enjoy.

Home - School Communication

This is an essential part of student success. The more parents know about what their children are doing at school, the more they can support both them and the school to ensure work and assignments are promptly and accurately completed. Our two main communication tools are the student agenda and our website. We urge parents to use these tools on a daily basis.

Please join the  School Council and help us make Walter Perry the best it can be so your child gets the best they deserve.

Student Life - Where You Belong


Students at Walter Perry can expect to arrive to a welcoming and nurturing environment. We set high for our students in all areas and work hard at establishing positive relationships with the students. Students have the right to feel safe and secure here and we work very hard to ensure our students behave appropriately and solve conflicts peacefully.
While at school, our studentshave the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of activities and to demonstrate their learing and talents in many venues. Our talented choir has represented Perry many times in public settings and has been on TV several times.


We have great kids at Walter Perry. There is not a day that goes by where we don't see acts of kindness, compassion and caring from our students. The school can get pretty busy and stressful at times but a walk through the halls or the class rooms reveals hard working students, engaged in learning and when at play, working well together and solving problems effectively. Walter Perry is a family composed of students of cultures from all over the world, working very successfully together.


Walter Perry collaborates with several community and social agencies: York University, OISE, Ryerson University Nursing school, Aisling Discoveries Child and Family Centre and  Secondary School co-operative education programs.  The ARC program is hosted out of Walter Perry in conjunction with the Toronto Parks and Recreation Department.Our School Council continues to grow and we have several parent volunteers who assist with library, Scientist in the school, ERI program and in classrooms.  Walter Perry's Parent Council is maturing and  we have had excellent attendance at this years meetings. Things can only get bigger and  better from here.