PHONE NUMBER: (416) 396-6340


Hunter's Glen Junior Public School's Mission Statement

Hunter's Glen Junior Public School is a diverse community school which is known for its warm and welcoming school climate.  Our school provides a safe and caring environment for both staff and students with a strong focus on academics and character education. Our population of approximately 400 students includes Kindergarten through Grade 6. The student population is composed of many cultural groups, the majority of whom speak English as their first language. Among the many other first languages in our community, Tamil and Urdu are the most frequently spoken.


A YMCA Daycare Centre, which provides child care for school age children before and after school, as well as at lunch hour, is also an integral part of the school. Our school emphasizes participation in both classroom work and life outside of the classroom. Many activities are run by the staff including inter-school sports, house league activities, and some of the following clubs: Eco Club, Me 2 We, Right to Play, Robotics, Lego/Coding Club, Junior Band, Drama Club, French Club and more.

School Focus for This School Year

Our school is currently using Professional Learning Communities and Collaborative Inquiry to target specific learning skills that have been identified as an area of need for our students.  This involves staff collaboration in developing tasks, marking assessments and monitoring student achievement.  When you walk through our school it is evident that our staff are working together on common goals in order to support our students in their academic success.  We have adopted a Growth Mindset learning stance and together with our Learning Coach, explore various learning resources to assist our students and staff be successful learners!

More Information About Hunter's Glen Junior Public School


We make use of technology such as iPads to bring the world to classes. Our computer lab, mobile carts and wireless technology provide students with the opportunity to utilize a variety of programs to aid in critical inquiry and 21st century learning. When teachers and students have access to technology the possibilities for teaching and learning are limitless. 

Extended French

Hunter's Glen's Extended French program began in 2005.  We currently have four Extended French classes, from grades 4-6.  In this program students receive 50% of their daily instruction in English and the other 50% is in French.  The majority of our students in this program are bussed in from other catchment areas.

Building a Respectful School Climate

Hunter's Glen has a strong focus on Character Education.  At monthly assemblies, students receive awards that highlight a specific trait.  A special display board in our main hallway features our monthly award winners.  Weekly quotes and classroom activities also promote this initiative which contributes to maintaining a safe and caring learning environment for all. 

Professional Development and Resources

Our staff takes pride in engaging in professional development (PLCs) in order to keep current with effective and best practices.  Our priority is to provide strong academic programs which meet the diverse needs of our students and help them achieve academic success. Classrooms have a variety of books in order to promote independent reading for all of our students.

Additional Features

  • Primary Home Reading Program
  • Variety of clubs, teams, activities
  • Spirit Days
  • Music Program: Band and Orff
  • 21st Century Learning Evenings
  • Monthly Character Trait Assemblies
  • Classroom Book Libraries
  • Eco School (Platinum Levell)

Student Life - Where You Belong


Our school emphasizes participation in both classroom work and life outside of the classroom. Our staff offer many extra curricular activities including inter-school sports, and clubs such as Eco school, Coding, Lego, Drama, Me 2 We, and many more.  The students in grade 5 have an opportunity to participate in band or orff with an itinerant music teacher.  Every year our grade 6 students go to Kearney, an outdoor education centre, which is always an unforgettable experience for all!  Many school wide events are organized to build school spirit and a sense of school pride.  These include such things as Season of Caring, Family Games Night, food drives and 21st Century Learning Evening.  There is always lots to do at Hunter's Glen!


Hunter's Glen has a warm, welcoming feeling as soon as you enter the building.  We pride ourselves on our welcoming and caring staff.  High expectations are held for all students both in academics and character education.  Our staff are committed to moving students along their learning continuum and supporting each individual student so they can work to their potential.  At Hunter's Glen we believe it 'takes a village to raise a child' so we work in partnership with parents, students and each other to ensure success for all.


Hunter's Glen is very fortunate to have a number of committed volunteers, as well as coop students from our local high school and colleges and an active School Council.  Our School Council supports student learning and life through exciting fundraisers such as Pizza lunches and community events such as the Annual Season of Caring Evening, Family Games Night and the grade 6 graduation.  Our local police liason officer comes into the school to provide programs to our staff and students and educates them on maintaining a safe school and community environment.  Within our school, we have a YMCA School Age program which serves students in grades 1 - 6 before school, at lunch and after school.