Harrison Public School's Mission Statement
Harrison Public School is located in the Bayview/York Mills community. The school serves over 200 children from Kindergarten through Grade 6, representing language groups from China, Iran, Turkey, Korea, India, Sri Lanka, Spain, and the Philippines. Seventy-eight percent of the students were born in Canada. The school is so well established that there are children of past Harrison graduates currently attending the school. Harrison is a neighbourhood school which is proudly and accurately known as "The Small School with the Big Heart".
International Baccalaureate
More Information About Harrison Public School
Platinum Eco School
Athletics and Clubs
Community Culture and Caring
Additional Features
- Diagnostic Kindergarten Program
- TDSB Mandarin and Farsi classes
- YMCA After School Care
- Safe and Caring SchoolsCommittee
- Prologue Performances
- IB Assemblies
- Fit for Life
- Talent Show
Student Life - Where You Belong
For more information on the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program access http://www.ibo.org/pyp/.