PHONE NUMBER: (416) 394-7990


St George's Junior School's Mission Statement

St. George's Junior School is located in the Princess Anne Manor community on the south side of Princess Margaret Boulevard. The school first opened in 1956 and expanded in 1960 to include additional classroom space. It now serves students from Full Day Kindergarten to Grade 5, including an Intensive Support Program (Primary Autism).

We maintain a team approach to education, including students, staff, parents  and School Community Council as educational partners. The St. George's Before and After School Child Care Program, housed in the school, was incorporated in 1989 and is a non-profit organization, managed by a parent advisory board. Our school and program work together in a number of areas to support our students. 

Student Leadership

There are many opportunities for student leadership at St. George's. School Ambassadors work directly with the Principal, Teacher-Librarian and several staff members on numerous school activities including Social Justice Initiatives, Leading Character Assemblies, Eco-School Initiatives, Concerts/Plays, Morning Announcements.  Learning Buddies (Junior class partnering with a Primary class) work together with many of our older students assisting our younger students with their reading skills. 

More Information About St George's Junior School

Platinum Eco School

St. George's is proud to be a certified Platinum Eco School. Our Eco Team, comprised of students and staff work together to promote ecologically responsible attitudes and behaviours. Students actively monitor and promote energy conservation, waste reduction, recycling, and litterless lunches.

Together with a landscape architect we designed a comprehensive greening plan for our school grounds including additional play spaces, planting many trees, installing landscape rocks and the revising our beautiful gardens.  We also added an exciting new kindergarten play area that includes a playscape and inviting play areas and gardens.

Use of Data for School Improvement Planning

St. George's staff uses data collected from student work and assessments to set classroom and school improvement goals. Daily learning tasks are evaluated for student comprehension.  Lessons, tasks and assessments are modified and accommodated to meet the needs of each student. Provincial assessments (EQAO) provide further information and focus for instruction.

Community Outreach

Staff, students and parents at St. George's strive to be good global citizens and contributing members of society. We participate in many community events, including an annual Terry Fox Walk, Outreach, Food Drive, Clothing Drive and Community Clean-up.


St. George's students benefit from access to computers and assistive technology, including classroom computers, mobile computer carts and iPads.

Student Life - Where You Belong


St. George's looks to enrich its classroom programs by integrating "Learning Through the Arts", "Scientists in the School" and 'out of school' excursions.  As well, there are many exciting clubs and sports activities that students can join including: 
Planet Protector Club
Craft Clubs
Slow Pitch
Track & Field


St. George's offers a supportive environment of continuous learning among teachers, students and staff .  We have strong community involvement through our School Community Council and our many volunteers.  St. George's sets high expectations academically, socially and physically.


The staff and students of St. George's enjoy the support of many community partners. They include: Toronto Public Health, Toronto Police Services, Toronto Fire Department, Co-op Students from our local secondary schools, student teachers from Faculties of Education and adult volunteers from our community.   We have an active School and Community Council that is involved in a variety of volunteer efforts. These include fundraising, curriculum support through guest speakers and performing arts and science visits, classroom help, library support, and health and safety issues. Major events involving the entire community include an annual Dance-a-thon, Book Fairs, a classroom enhancement fundraising program, school greening projects, and community outreach initiatives.