Toronto District School Board
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Education Week - Friday, May 9th

Canada 150 Across the TDSB

Education Week - Friday, May 5, 2017

This year marks 150 years since Confederation in Canada. Across the TDSB, students are learning about our country's history through specialized lessons and programming, and schools are marking this milestone year in a number of ways, including special events and celebrations. On the first day of Education Week, we profile Canada 150 by highlighting a number of initiatives happening across our system.

The TDSB recognizes and honours thousands of years of Indigenous presence on this land. Reflecting upon the 150 years since Confederation in Canada, students, staff and school communities continue to focus on reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada. This requires us all to increase our knowledge about our shared past and to work in nation-to-nation partnership to shape our future. Schools are also learning about Confederation through specialized classroom lessons and programming, participation in special events and in a number of other unique ways. The history of Canada begins with Indigenous peoples.